Let's activate

inspire the new generation

Our Youth Activate program

With our WAI Youth Activate program we inspire young girls to pursue a career in AI. We do this by offering schools a free cource to activate their interest into getting educated in the STEM-related field.

Relevant content, presented by female role models

We activate young girls through presentations and demonstrations focused on data and AI literacy. This is all done by amazing female role models at schools. We creating relevant and fun AI content, and collaborate with existing school initiatives. With our partner, Kickstart AI, we are working on bringing our program to the next level.

Youth Activate program of Women in AI

School education

The program has been designed to include two tailored workshops based on the age of the children. One will be focused on primary schools and the other on secondary schools. Is your school interested in our Youth Activate program? Feel free to contact us.

Join as an partner!

 Do you wish to support our mission to activate girls to pursue a career in AI? By becoming an partner of our Activate program, you would get to introduce the new generation to what you do, show your branding on our event materials and will be mentioned in our social media posts. For more info, please get in touch with Head of Commercials Karen Harriss with the button below.

Introducing girls to a carreer in AI

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