In the Spotlight - Meet Samar Morshedi

At Women in AI we’d like to inspire others by featuring female role models that are making a difference in AI. We aim to empower women who are working in AI by highlighting their success stories. This way we hope to inspire other women and girls to get into STEM-related fields. In our series ‘In the Spotlight’ we shine a light on an expert in the field and today we’d like you to meet Samar Morshedi.

Women in AI -Samar Morshedi in the Spotlight

About Samar Morshedi

Currently, Samar is working as Head of Sales and Customer Success at AI scaleup Pera. Pera is focused on selecting the best candidates for businesses with the help of AI. They are very much aimed at making sure selecting is done without bias. Samar is an ex-Founder & Director of an HR tech start-up and has 10+ years of demonstrated working experience in Business Development, B2B sales, Customer Success, People, and Operations in the Startup and Corporate environment. Looking at her background, it is clear that she is very passionate about building and maintaining relationships.

Discovering unobvious talent

“With Pera, we give companies the confidence to invest in the right people.” -Samar explains. They do this by analyzing patterns in language across teams and candidates over multiple years. “Pera found the unique competencies that determine long-term success.” It allows companies to identify talent beyond the obvious characteristics such as background, education and experience. In her role as Head of Sales and Customer Success, she is making sure that the right people hear about Pera. “With Pera’s help they can discover unobvious talent around them.”

“AI has the power to positively impact people's lives.”

Shaping the industry to create a better future

“My role has a significant impact on both AI and the world.” -Samar explains. Pera’s innovative approach to talent identification and recruitment revolutionizes how companies invest in their people. Their solution is based on language analysis and pattern recognition. Through Pera’s platform, they analyze patterns in language across teams and candidates over multiple years. “This makes it possible for companies to identify the unique competencies that lead to long-term success.” By going beyond traditional criteria, Pera enables companies to discover hidden talent and make more informed hiring decisions. 

Samar believes this innovative and practical approach to hiring mitigates biased decisions in recruitment.“By spreading awareness about Pera’s capabilities, I ensure that the right organizations hear about our game-changing solution.” That is why she works tirelessly on connecting with companies and showcasing how Pera can transform their talent management processes. “We are making it easier for them to find exceptional individuals who might have been overlooked by conventional methods.” Their impact goes beyond just businesses. “It influences the overall job market and promotes a more inclusive workforce.”

As Women in AI we can definitely agree that by unlocking the potential of individuals from diverse backgrounds, more opportunities for these talented people are created. Samar emphasizes: “These are the people that possess unique competencies, crucial for achieving sustainable success.” As the Head of Sales and Customer Success, she takes pride in driving the adoption of Pera’s technology and is eager in supporting their clients every step of the way. “By helping companies in harnessing the power of Pera’s A.I. to identify potential talent, I contribute to optimizing human resources and fostering overall organizational success, which in turn, generates a positive ripple effect on the world.”


Making a difference

“AI has the power to positively impact people’s lives.” Through Pera’s efforts, the company showcases the potential of AI to make a real difference in the workforce and the lives of the people that are in it. “We are providing companies with the tools they need to build stronger and more diverse teams.” Samar is grateful that their work helps to shape a better future  and that brings her a deep sense of fulfillment. “This alignment of individuals with organizations ensures success for both parties involved.”

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