In a recent interview with Miriam Veronesi we shared profound insights about the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the collaborative efforts between the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) and Women in AI. As a Chair of Start-ups and Scale-ups for the NL AIC and a leading figure at TNO focusing on the societal, economic and ethical aspects of AI, she has been in the forefront of innovation in tech for many years.

Carmen Martínez is a Data Scientist at Kickstart AI

How Kickstart AI is bringing together the brightest minds in AI To help accelerate AI adoption in the Netherlands Kickstart AI is on a mission to accelerate AI adoption in the Dutch business sector and is partnering with businesses and organizations in
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Female entrepreneurs helping female startups with WAI Accelerate

Why helping female entrepreneurs be successful is so important Female founders are being underrepresented in the Netherlands as in many other parts of the world. When it comes to private companies and startups, it remains a male-dominated industry.  This is influenced by
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Bias AI generated images

The social challenges that the lack of female representation in AI generated images bring In today’s business landscape, social issues are becoming increasingly important, and companies are recognizing the need to address them. To navigate this transition effectively, it is crucial to
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Benefits of being a mentor in an AI mentorship program

Benefits of being a mentor in an AI mentorship program We need more women in AI. At Women in AI we are bringing together ambitious and curious women with experienced and inspiring mentors. As a mentor, you can give guidance and support,
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