The most recent Women in AI Circle event in Den Haag buzzed with conversation on a topic both timely and complex: navigating the ever-shifting landscape of AI within the realm of government. The event featured Elja Daae, Data, AI & Algorithms Coordinator at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and Monika Milanović, Legal Policy Officer at the same ministry.

During our Rotterdam Circle event we had the pleasure of hearing from two influential voices in the field of data ethics and technology: Piek Knijff, a philosopher and data ethicist, and Anita de Waard, a renowned researcher and academic.

During our Eindhoven Circle we welcomed a diverse audience including CTOs, researchers, founders, and marketers. Philipp Werle provided insights into the history of the High Tech Campus Eindhoven and the goals of the AI Innovation Center. One of the highlights of the evening was our interactive card game.

Women in AI Circle event about Practical MLOps

Whether it is about navigating the intricate landscape of ML algorithms to overcoming deployment hurdles, during our March’s circle event we explored it all. Plus, we got an insider’s look into a captivating workshop led by Anouk Dutree, Head of Product at UbiOps, where we demystify the deployment process with a hands-on demo.

Women in AI Circle event about leading AI teams

Leading AI teams: Insights from industry experts This new year we started off with a Circle event about leading AI teams. Guided by Aoibhinn Reddington, two experts in the field shared their experiences and perspectives on managing these types of teams. What
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Combining artificial intelligence with creativity by Sunny Jiang

Combining AI with creativity and the role blockchain technology can have At our WAI Circle event of June our community was given the opportunity to hear from Sunny Jiang about how innovation and creativity can thrive within the field of AI. Sunny
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Discussing gender representation in AI

Why is there a huge gap in gender representation in AI? What is it like when robots actually live around you? And what do robots have to do with gender representation? Ana Madera Holgado takes us on a journey to the role
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What is Responsible AI? Depends on who is asking Last week I attended a panel discussion about Responsible AI, which as the panelists pointed out, can still mean different things depending on the company, organization, and even country. The event was organized
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